Fun, fun yesterday at The Stoudt House...tacos, birthday cake, candy pinata and all around good conversation. Oh, and we have confirmed that Luca does indeed exist, although geez, that kid can sleep! Abram was also in attendance, along with big sis Jonah, so it was good to see those cats as well.
On to the pics...
Riley in his "octopus" suit..otherwise know as, Jonah's swim floatie that we borrowed last summer-
Nosey Mags and Riley (Jim was packing the car)-
The new and improved Wojo Crew-
How did I manage to NOT get a picture of the birthday girl? I guess since I took a few with Michelle's camera, I thought I had a few good ones on my own. Ugh, I'm retarded.
dingles and the family had a great was good to see you guys !!!!!!!!!