Friday, May 23, 2008

hand, foot, and mouth...

hand, foot, and, and butt? Yup, Riley has yet another infection to add to his list- Coxsackie! We thought it was his ears but he was drooling like a crazy man and kinda listless, cranky and un-hungry (is that a word or is the sleep deprivation talking??)...I guess it's good that his ears are ok(One more week until we see the specialist- Woo!) but coxsackie (oh, the fun Jim and I have been having with variations of THAT word) is a virus, so there's it's untreatable until it runs its course.

On the good news front, Jim's Mom is doing great so even though it's been a rough week...we're hoping the weekend brings us better times!

P.s.- Riley only has the throat infection part of the virus..yay


  1. you guys can't catch a break!
    That stinks.

  2. Did you get the "magic mouthwash?" It coats their throat so they can eat and drink...We know from experience! Hope the weekend brings better times:)

  3. Gibson just got over that too! It sucked. he only got the throat part too. Our Ped said its a mild strain that is working its way around this time.
