This week, we are having a few firsts (but I guess when they're this little, every week has some level of "first-dom")..anyway, Riley fell asleep at night on his own for the first time this week! Since then, we've been trying to "ferberize" him- we lay him down after his bottle and let him play with his mobile or aquarium and then let him cry for a little bit, pick him up if patting his back doesn't work, and then put him back in the crib and start the whole cycle over again. It seems to be going okay so far...last night was the 2nd night, and he only went through 2 cycles before falling alseep, although he did end up falling asleep on my shoulder instead of the crib. We're also going to let the little piglet start rice cereal this weekend- he's been eyeing up our food (and making chewing motions every time we eat) for a couple of weeks so we guess it's time to let him dig in.
We had a mega-playdate yesterday with Deville, Dylan, & Jonah- pics to be posted soon!
Oh, and Jim and I started researching daycares for next year...well, for September when I go back to work. Ugh, what a pain in the butt!
I want to see pics of messy cereal face!!!!