Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Everybody, Meet Smuggins

So, this is Riley's "Smuggins" face- when either one of us is holding Riley, he'll look at the one not holding him and be all "yeah, look at me, I'm being cuddled and you're not"..so we call him Smuggins. In this pic, we were trying to take a pic of his faux-hawk since he hasn't really grown any hair on the side of his head but had a mass of it down the center of his head. heh heh- I spike it up with his Mustela cleansing fluid for giggles. My dad called it a "Mohican" this week, and Jim, Greg, and I were dying in laughter.


  1. I love smuggins!!

    show us Mr. Italiano

    Riley 2
    Deville 1

    Riley 1
    Deville 0

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