Daddy gets his annual "Daddy Juice" presents..Happy 37th Lovey!
The Birthday Grinch that stole Daddy's Jameson
How does one entertain a 2 year old at a restaurant? lobster bibs, maraschino cheeries, new foods like calamari (mind you, this is the child that nixed every single Thanksgiving meal option the day before in lieu of a cheese sandwich and some raisins), and grammy's jewelry!
Random Cranny moments that involved someone other than Jim and I entertaining the boy...Ahhhhhhh!
First taste of the seductive world of Entenmann's Crumb Coffee Cake:
Not too much else exciting to report..just crazy busy with wrapping up teachin' for my ginormous winter break (Dec 23rd to Jan 5th!)and trying to get prepped for the holidays without going schizo, ha ha ha. Riley and I have been sick, but nothing too crazy, but enough to throw a few kinks into the works. We're off to Cranny today to celebrate Poppy's birthday tonight and then Jim and I get to venture into the City tomorrow for brunch with my bro, Sean, Leah, and Chris so we're really looking forward to it. Riley will be spending the day in Cranford racing cars, playing knock hockey, and scouting for deer in the woods with Poppy and Grammy.
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