*disclaimer* for those uncomfortable about hearing about anatomy of a family member or friend, turn back now. you have been warned.
Let's see how I can phase this post appropriately for mixed company...
So this morning, like many mornings, as Alison gets ready for work, my "job" is to keep Riley occupied (on those, seemingly more frequent, days when he wakes up before we are both ready for work). For what ever reason, Riley wanted to see Mommeee, so we walked to our room, when Alison was getting dressed.
Well, still drying off from the shower, is more like it. ( I think you all can start to see where this one is going...)
For those of you that have/had a 2 year old you should be familiar with the constant "What's that? What's This? Questions. So as i was saying, Alison was getting dressed, and Riley walks over to her and asks the inevitable "what's that?" with his hand pointed in the general direction of Alison's ever expanding belly. "The Baby" was the response. Again comes the "what's that?' Only this time, Riley's aim was a tad lower. "That's a vagina, Mommy's peepee" (love the mix of technical and kidling terms).
"GIIna" Riley echoed.
Next, he pointed to his goods, and said, "where's my giina?". No, Riley, you have a penis. we (well Alison) corrected him. "peenis" Riley said as he proceeded to unzip his PJs to get verification of what his bits and pieces looked like in comparison.
There you have it. Anatomy 101 for toddlers.