Friday, March 21, 2008

Here comes Riley Cottontail..

Since Riley is sleeping in, I might as well double post it on up! So, we hit up the annual Point Pleasant Easter Egg Hunt last Sunday (we tried to go the year before but it rained) and it was kinda 'bleh'. There was a HUGE line, which wasn't really an issue as all the parents and kiddies get on the sand before the egg huntin' begins, but seriously, Jenkinson's needs to get on the ball and hide more eggs. There were at least 50 or so people walking around wondering if they hid any eggs in our digging section. We never found one, nope, not one egg. We did wrangle two from the sidelines (there was a guy with a trashbag handing out eggs) and then some lady begged us to hide one for Riley so he could "find" at least one- it was nice of her and her kids to give up one of their eggs. She said it's like that every year, never enough eggs so they're smart and pack a few on their pockets to hide when their kids aren't looking so they can eliminate the "I didn't find any eggs" tantrums! I'm not saying we wouldn't go back, but I would've been irritated had a driven a great distance for it...since, we live 10 mins away, it's a good free, fun activity. Plus, Riley just thought it was fun to walk around with all the people and dig in the sand, so he was none the wiser that the Egg hunt kinda, um, sucked.

Here's some pics (*and a video!!) of the fun:

This was how long the line was for 0-4 hunting eggs set:

The Countdown:

Okay Mom, can we just go and get some Khor's custard now? This is kinda lame.

Oh, we did win a "free spin" on the Candy Wheel in the egg, so that was kinda fun. The other two eggs we scored had some little plastic toys in it, which we had to chuck since they were choke-worthy...but Riley LOVES playing with the plastic eggs so again, he didn't miss the prizes!

1 comment:

  1. And now matching puffy vests! I love this family:)
