When I posted last (January 1st), I had no idea what was in store for all of us in the next 72 hours.
Let's just say, we all got a pretty bad stomach virus and it was not pretty. It was straight up biohazard up on Nottingham Street. Riley ended up in the hospital for about 4 hours, and after 8 trials, they doctor on call in the ER FINALLY got an IV into him- it was in such a weird spot, that we had to hold his foot (yeah, in his little chub of a foot since they exhausted the veins in his arms & hands) in a specific position or else the fluids would not enter Sir-Pukes-all-Night properly. If anyone took a picture, it would have been quite the sight. Me, with my hair all sorts of crazy with some puked-on cock-a-mamie outfit on (*it was 3am) sitting up and resting my head on the side of the ER cot holding his foot bent and a disheveled Jim on the other side of the cot "sleeping" and looking like he hadn't done so in about 46 days. Riley, who had finally fell asleep after being up from 11-5am being sick and poked and prodded by all the nurses and docs was sprawled out on his back with his hands behind his head as if we was relaxing on the beach in Tahiti. So, Riley recovered relatively quickly, and then the virus struck Jim and I within a 1/2 hour of each other- luckily, it was 7:30pm, so Riley was fast asleep and none the wiser that his parents were busy hugging their respective toilets (having 2 bathrooms RULES!). The next 2 days were a blur as both of us just did what we could with Riley when we could...luckily, Jim was feeling better about a day before me, so he was able to pick up my parenting slack.
Fast Forward 1 week...
We're all feeling better and as of the last couple of days, Riley has become the voracious eater he once was again. We've returned to having some sleeping issues, but instead of Riley getting up in the middle of the night, he's decided that 4:30 is sooo the new 5:30-6am. He's also discovered tantrums..he'll freak out over nothing and in seconds, all will be right in his little world and he'll seem to think nothing of the previous 3-5 minutes where he screamed at the top of his lungs and cried buckets of tears. It sucks, but everyone says, it's a phase, and will pass. Well, I'm just hoping it passes sooner than later.
I'm trying to think if there's anything "new" that the little guy is doing..Hmmm, he's getting pretty good at repeating words that we say, like "nana" for banana. A few days ago, Jim was listening to Howard Stern while driving Riley to daycare and he started to sing along with one of the "Bab ba ba booey" songs. haw!
I'll leave you with a few pics of Riley and his new bike helmet- we can't wait to hit the boards this Spring/Summer on his Kettrike! As you can see, Jim and I are much more excited about this happening, than Riley is...
he looks huge. What are you feeding him?