So, collectively, 2010 can suck it. Sorry for our candor, but Team Awesome is hoping that 2011 is a much better year than last year! Griffin is nearing the end of his 2nd year and that just seems crazy as we all remember him being such a little nugget. He's getting more active every day and is starting to talk (especially with some help with his weekly speech therapy sessions) and he absolutely adores his "Bro Bro". Christmas was a blast this year with both of them opening presents as Griffin realized this year that the toys inside the presents were better than the actual gift wrap and its taste. Jersey has has snow on the ground for almost a full month so that's been somewhat fun for the boys...somewhat since we can't go to the park but they both love playing in the snow and sneaking handfuls to chomp when we are not paying close enough attention. I'm hoping to update more often as we've been laying a bit low on the's some pics to tide you over until the next update.