Update...um, SUMMER IS OFFICIALLY OVER, which is why it takes me 3 weeks to compose a site update post! (Wahhh!) I think Team Awesome is ready for Fall though- pumpkins, Halloween candy, apples, good sleeping weather! This weekend, Griffin turned 18 months- that in itself, is simply sheer craziness because I can't believe the next big milestone for him is turning 2! (well, and maybe starting to talk is the next big milestone- we'd love hear his "talking" voice- I'm putting my money on a "husky" voice! heh heh) This week is Riley's last week of being 3! He's having his birthday at the Little Gym (we have gone there for gym class since he was 4 months old and Griffin takes a class there too) and then we will also go to Great Adventure this weekend with Poppy to celebrate! Somewhere amongst "birthday season", we will also try and hit up the local Pirate Ship Adventure as Riley really wanted a Pirate Ship party this year.
Some 'Squan pics....