Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ode to the Summer of Ice Cream

Since summer is officially over (Sniff! Sniff!), here is our "Summer With Ice Cream" Picture Montage...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Back to the blog...

Well, it's been a long few weeks of getting back into the swing of things at school- I am still roomless during my lab's renovation so it just makes organizing my school life all the more difficult and stressful. Jim and I have been hiatus from blogging because we've had a LOT going on with various aspects of our lives, such as:

-The craziness that is Merrill Lynch (Jim is still in the mix despite all of the recent layoffs/mergers so we're happy about that)
-The craziness of Sir Riley- who is learning tons of new stuff and pretty much is our little myna bird as he can say/sing anything now- his recent faves are "Italy" since that's where poppy and grammy are right now, "Miss Laura" (his new teacher at his new school), and "Ginger" since she we are watching her while my parents are away.
-The craziness of being el preggo again- that's right- little bro/sis will make his or her arrival sometime in later March! Eeek!
-The craziness of switching schools for Riley- we just outgrew the place we had him going and we weren't thrilled with the summer "D" team who the became the new school year staff since a couple of our favorite teachers hit the road. Plus, "Dirty James" is still a major biter and for some reason, his favorite target is Riley. We love the new place we are in- it's brandy new and the curriculum seems to be much more focused so we're psyched! Plus, they even have a lunch program so we're hoping he'll start eating his veggies since he always eats so much better at school than for us!
-The craziness that is our social life these days (I'm NOT complaining since we love any activity the gets energy out of the boy!)- we have LOTS of birthday parties & showers going on in the next few weeks, so we are busy, busy, busy.

Well, I hear the pitter patter of little and big feet as the boys just returned from the Little Gym so I'm off to hang out with those nutballs.

Later skaters!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

And so it begins...

Sorry for the lack of posts...with the school year starting and it kicking my butt, I've been too busy to post. I know, excuses, excuses.

Anyway, here's a video of Riley rocking out to Lifetime to hold you over until Jim or I finds the energy to post something a little more expansive:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Someone pinch me...

Someone pinch me...I can't believe summer is over. Wah! Yesterday, after a long weekend (especially for Jim) of me being sick with some sort of flu/head cold, I went back to school. It wasn't horrific as I work some pretty awesome people, but my room is still under renovation so I don't have a solid home base so it's a tad annoying. I'm not looking forward to getting students this Thursday. Double Wah! Well, nobody reads this blog for the complainin' so I'll get to the good stuff. We went to Sesame Place with Auntie Heather, Uncle Victor, Olivia and Blake last week- Riley loved it (as did we!)until he got stung by a wasp on his thumb and even then he was pretty enthralled with the place, well maybe not the lazy river as that went over with the little man like a fart in church. We're already looking forward to taking him back next year...when he's ready to tackle the 6-person mega-tube ride!

On to the pics..

Grover topiary

The real "Super Grover"!

123 Sesame Place (as you can see, Riley is very excited...ha ha)

Elmo Ride


Riley (the scene of the wasp stinging crime...btw, the first aid staff at Sesame Rules- they had numbing cream/antiseptic on Riley's thumb and a ice pop in his other hand within minutes of our arrival)

Olivia being sneaky

Elmo Cupcake!

Hmmm, let me sniff for freshness

Hmm, let me taste it

All done!

Playing the fish game...Sesame knows what's up when it comes to young kids- most of the games are "play until you win!"

Victor and Blake

More Sesame topiaries...and one tired looking little guy