Here's some more pics to sink your teeth into...
Sand crawling..wooo hooo!
Swimming makes Riley sooooo sleepy! Yesssssssssssss!
More post-swim naps!
Uncle Woobie & Riley!
Dirty Mouth!...Clean it up!
This is Riley's Costa Rican lady friend- she was the hostess at the buffet (mmmmmmmmm, buffet) and she loved Riley (and he lighted up for her every time, despite the look on his face in this particular picture)and was constantly taking him for a few minutes and showing him off to the other resort peeps. Jim and I were kinda weirded out by the rxn of most of the men in the resort- all the foreign dudes wanted to play with him and/or hold him. I guess British and Costa Rican men are more in tune with their feminine sides than American men, hee hee.
Well, Riley just bumped his noggin for the umpteenth time so I'll have to post more pics later when he's snoozing.