I can't believe I didn't take the time out from all the summer fun to make one single post...Geez. All in all, it was a good summer- good weather (except for stupid Hurricane Irene), lots of fun times at the boards and beach and overall, a happy time had by all. It's now September 18th, the eve before our 8th wedding anniversary, and the school year is in full force. The boys are adjusting well to being back in school and as the weather starts to turn cooler, we are heading into fall like gangbusters. That being said, we spent the morning on the beach in Belmar eating breakfast treats from The Scone Pony, so I guess we're still holding onto summer a little bit, ha ha.
Here's a few pics from the fish hat parade- a coastal pollution awareness parade to benefit Seaside Park Elementary School (my friend Jill invited us)- the boys loved it, as did Poppy.
Spring Soccer- Riley is digging being a "soccer star" so we're hoping he stays interested as I'm down with him playing anything that doesn't involve football (ha ha).
In other exciting news, Griffin said "Riley" this week for the first time- he usually says "bro bro"..it came out more like "Eiley" but he was very proud of himself nonetheless. He calls himself "Gruff" when asked his name- haw!
8 more days of school left..summer is so close I can taste it! Wooo!
3 weeks of school left for me and the Memorial Day weekend festivities have all of us itching for summer fun. Of course, as we joked for the last few months, Jim just started a brandy new job (insert raucous applause here!!) just in time for the summer to begin so our dreams of going to the beach every day with the boys this summer were quickly squashed. I'm thinking next summer will be a bit easier to be out and about in the surf with the boys by myself because currently it is a pretty tough gig without the extra set of hands and eyes, and even then, it's still challenging. Luckily, Riley is attending two weeks of semi-intensive swim classes at the end of June so I hope this raises his (and ours)confidence in the water a bit. Griffin, on the other hand, is a total water baby and seems to already believe he is Aquaman, which is on one hand awesome and on the other, absolutely terrifying. Aside from the beach, we are hoping to hit up Great Adventure as much as possible plus try to complete all of our summer fun "bucket list"- this is a list Riley and I are working on, hee hee.
Griffin's Party was a Blurry Blast...he was so proud to have a party that was for him that he just went around all day/night pointing to himself and cheesily grinning "Meeeeeeeeee"! Griffin has been 2 for over 2 weeks now and he's pretty proud to tell anyone who asks that's he's 2...which is good since he prior to turning 2 he was telling everyone "fi" with an outstretched palm. ha. He's learning new ways to get his point across every day (woooo!) and for the most part, is a super happy little dude with one awesomely cute smile.
Little Gym Party Pics: Present Opening at home with Grammy and Poppy: